Providing the best customer service is essential to the success of any business. The customer service that Allewell Truck and Trailer provides is based on principles of providing excellent quality of work, quality parts, high attention to detail, professionalism, and timely service. There will be no compromises.
I was born in 1983 which makes me just old enough to know what hard work actually is. I am married to a smart, strong, caring brown eyed beauty in which we share 3 children with twins expected in September of 2023. Growing up I always wanted to be a truck mechanic. I have been one since 2003 when I earned my certification as a Red Seal endorsed 310T Truck and Coach Technician. I grew up in a very successful family-owned truck and trailer repair business. I worked and grew that business until 2022 when it was sold. I have worked in every position in a truck repair shop, from sweeping floors as a kid, starting my apprenticeship during high school, becoming the best mechanic in my shop, to managing and expanding operations. I have a lifetime of experience, technical expertise, industry knowledge, and work ethic that gives me a skill set of the highest level in the commercial truck and trailer repair industry.
Allewell Truck and Trailer is currently operating as a single mobile repair service truck operated by licensed 310T Technician James Allewell. The mobile service vehicle is the best equipped and the best stocked service truck in the truck repair industry. Also with the utilization of cloud-based software, invoicing and electronic communication is done in real time with the customer, allowing Allewell Truck and Trailer to operate at the highest efficiency.
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